
Setting up struts 2 with eclipse neon 3
Setting up struts 2 with eclipse neon 3

setting up struts 2 with eclipse neon 3

Step5 : Liferay 7 Bundles auto configuration Update the tomcat server location with download tomcat and Lieray bundles directory with in liferay home(which you extracted liferay-ce-portal-tomcat-7.0-ga3) Click on File->New-> Server Select Liferay 7.x and click on Next. Now, we will configure tomcat in Liferay. Step4 : Liferay 7 Tomcat Setup in Eclipse liferay7 workspace Step3 : Liferay 7 workspace structure It will download all required libraries from gradle repository. In eclipse, click on File-> New -> Liferay Workspace Project and provide workspace name. Spring Framework Annotations - Javasavvy Spring Annotations liferay7 setup

setting up struts 2 with eclipse neon 3

Update the with corp user name and password. Go to windows-> preferences -> Network settings and select Manual. Liferay workspace need to create to hold all modules and make sure that you configured proper proxy settings in eclipse if you are behind firewall. Xmx1256m Step2: Create Liferay Workspace update eclipse.inf file with -vm argument with JDK 8 bin path Extract the eclipse and it requires JDK8.MySQL version should be greater than 5.6.

setting up struts 2 with eclipse neon 3

I recommend to download liferay-ide-neon-m1 version as it is latest one.

  • Download Eclipse IDE : liferay-ide-eclipse-windows-圆4-3.1.0-M1.
  • Click here to download Liferay7 tomcat community edition(liferay-ce-portal-tomcat-7.0-ga3) from sourceforge.
  • Liferay 7 Development Setup: Step1: Download Liferay and Java8
  • portal-service.jar renamed to portal-kernel.jar, so liferay 6 code base need to be update with new API change in Liferay7 migration process.
  • Liferay 7 uses liferay-workspace to hold all modules,gradles, libraries,themes,wars,configs.
  • Liferay 7 uses OSGI platform that replaces traditional use of plugin-sdks with OSGI Modules, but still Liferay 7 supports Plugin SDK development.
  • Liferay uses plugin sdk development environment and hold portlets,themes,layouts,ext,hooks and ANT Build scripts.
  • Liferay 7 development setup tutorial is to setup Liferay 7 development environment in local machine and access this tutorial to setup Liferay Eclipse IDE and tomcat in your local.

    Setting up struts 2 with eclipse neon 3